22 sept. 2011

Love Japan

Voici 3 badges achetés il y a quelques jours dans un concept store sur Omote-sando. Il y avait toute une collection disponible avec un but simple : on file la maille (10yen, 100yen, 500yen, 1000yen.... comme tu veux tu choises)  et on part avec touuuuuus les badges que l'on veut. L'argent récolté sert ensuite pour aider les sinistrés du Grand Tremblement de terre du 11 mars. Plutôt cool, non ? 

Here's 3 badges bought few days ago in a concept store on Omete-sando. The was a whole collection available, with one simple aim : you give some cash (10yen, 100yen, 500yen, 1000yen.... as you wish) et you can leave with allllllll the badges you want. The money then go to help the victims of the Great Earthquake of March 11th. Pretty cool, right ? 

2 commentaires:

  1. unfortunately i don't live in japan :( the buttons are pretty cool and they help the victims of the earthquake.

  2. yeah right, it's a really good initiative ^^
